Altra’s Routing #: 291881216
Credit Cards

Credit/Debit Card Travel Alerts

Traveling Internationally?

If you will be traveling internationally and want to find out if you are able to use your Credit Card or Debit Card at your destination, please call Altra at 800-755-0055.

Card Issues While Traveling

If you experience issues with your Visa Credit card or Debit card while traveling, and you are unable to reach Altra at 800-755-0055, please contact Visa directly:

Visa® within the U.S.A.: 800-847-2911

Visa® International – Altra Signature Card: 410-902-8012

Visa® International – Altra Traditional, Non Rewards, Rewards, Student Credit Card: 303-967-1096

Visa® Travel Assistance (24/7): 800-992-6029

European Traveler Alert

Members traveling to European countries should know that their Altra Visa credit/debit cards may not work in some retail situations. The reason is because many big European banks have switched to chip-enabled cards that require use of an identification number (PIN) to complete the transaction, and only a very few cards issued in the United States comply with the new European standard. International card networks (American Express, MasterCard, and Visa) require all participating merchants to accept U.S. cards, and many do. But you may still face situations where your card won’t work.

Blocked Countries

Altra Federal Credit Union, OFAC, and Velera will block the usage of Visa Credit and /or Debit cards in countries where the probability of fraud is extremely high, or where an unprecedented number of fraudulent transactions have originated.