Altra’s Routing #: 291881216

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Forgot your phone? Pay using your Smart Watch!

You can now use your Altra Credit or Debit Card within Garmin Pay at all merchants who accept contactless payments!  These new products, along with the other mainstream smart watch providers, will enable those members who have compatible devices to be able to pay simply by tapping their Smart Watch, instead of needing to get out their phone or wallet.  This is an exciting form of Payment that should make the Point of Sale process much more efficient and secure.

But wait, there’s more!  Did you know that Altra cards also work on qualifying Apple and Samsung devices?

That’s right, the smart watch is a new and exciting tool that a lot of consumers are turning to across all different devices.  However, not all smart watches are able to perform contactless payments. See below for a list of compatible devices:

Garmin Pay compatible Devices:

Vivoactive 3
Forerunner 645

Apple Watch compatible Devices:

Apple Watch Series 1 and 2 and later
Apple Watch (first generation)

Samsung Watch compatible Devices:

Galaxy Watch Active 2
Galaxy Watch Active
Galaxy Watch
Gear Sport

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