Altra’s routing number: 291881216
Set up free Direct Deposit or Automatic Loan Payments
Using direct deposit or automatic payments is easy, convenient, and safe. You will need Altra’s Routing number to set up Direct Deposit into an Altra Checking or Savings account and/or automatic loan payments.
Set up Direct Deposit for your Tax Refund
To receive a Federal Tax refund by direct deposit, include Altra’s Routing number on your IRS 1040 form in the section labeled “Refund.” The IRS will transmit your tax refund directly to your Altra account, and your refund will arrive up to three weeks earlier than if received by mail. There is no check to get lost or stolen, and your refund is instantly deposited.
Deposit into Savings
Use your 10-digit Altra savings account number (do not use dashes or spaces). You can locate this number within Online Banking or contact Altra at 800-755-0055.
Deposit into Checking
Use your 10-digit Altra Checking account number shown on the bottom of your checks (see example). Do not use dashes or spaces. You can also locate this number within Online Banking or contact Altra at 800-755-0055.
Track your Federal Tax Refund
Track your Federal Tax Refund through the official website at
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) is a service offered free by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for people to pay federal taxes electronically.