Safe. Simple. Secure.
The fastest way to get a signature.
Getting a loan or credit card online has never been easier! Say goodbye to faxes, shipping, and making extra trips to Altra offices. We can finalize your documents online using DocuSign. DocuSign lets you receive your documents via a secure email. You can sign your documents right from your sofa, or anyplace else you take your computer or mobile device. Each DocuSign document comes with an easy-to-understand electronic prompt to guide you through the process of signing electronically.
Altra has made it easier than ever to get a loan or credit card online! Step 1. Submit an online or mobile application. Step 2. Get approved – we will process your application and contact you to work out loan details. Step 3. Complete your documents – We can finalize your documents online using DocuSign. It’s safe, simple, and secure. DocuSign lets you receive your documents via a secure email. You can sign your documents right from your sofa, or anyplace else you take your computer or mobile device. Each DocuSign document comes with an easy-to-understand electronic prompt to guide you through the process of signing electronically. It’s that easy!