Online Banking Notifications
You can set up account alerts and notifications that notify you about events pertaining to your account. You can choose to receive those alerts through email or text message. You will also automatically see a “You have a new alert” message within Online Banking when you have an alert to view.
How to set up Alerts and Notifications:
- Log in to Online Banking
- Click the “Security & Alerts” menu option
- Choose “Alerts & Messages”
- Follow the prompts to set up a variety of account alerts
The ‘default’ alerts you are unable turn off include:
- Account challenge question has been answered
(A challenge question was presented due to a login attempt from non-private computer) - Password Changed
- Address changed
- Email changed*
- My account was locked out
- Security challenge question Changed
- Linked accounts added
- Linked account transfer initiated
- Secure message
- Large transfer has been completed – trigger $5k
*Changing Your Email Address in Online Banking
If you change your email address in Online Banking, you will receive an email alert from Online Banking at both the OLD and the NEW email address. For security reasons, you will also receive all alerts for 14 days at BOTH email addresses.