Altra’s Routing #: 291881216

Savings Accounts

Saver’s Sweepstakes®

Saver’s Sweepstakes® available to MN, WI, IL , & TX residents only.

Saver’s Sweepstakes® is a new prize-linked savings account at Altra. You’ll get an entry each time you make a $25 deposit.* Prize drawings are held monthly, quarterly and annually.


Account earns 0.50% Annual Percentage Yield. *
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*Saver’s Sweepstakes™ available to MN, WI, TX & IL residents only. Membership eligibility required; personal and UTMA accounts only. Joint account holder age 18 or over is required on all Minor accounts. One account per Primary account holder per  participating credit union; you may be a Joint account holder on multiple Saver’s Sweepstakes accounts at Altra. $25 minimum opening deposit; $25 minimum balance required. Earn prize-drawing entries for every $25 increase (up to 6 entries per month) for 12-month savings period. Prize drawings held monthly, quarterly and annually. Rates subject to change. Please note that withdrawals are only available in person at an Altra branch location, SAM-e: Altra’s Smart 24/7 Deposit & Loan Payment Taking ATM, or by calling our Member Contact Center. Contact Altra or visit for complete details.
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Regular  Savings

A $5 minimum balance is required in a Regular savings account for all Altra members; this is your ownership share in the Credit Union. This account pays dividends quarterly.

Regular Savings Accounts Rates

Rates effective August 1, 2024; subject to change.

Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY*
$5.00 0.050 0.05

*APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Regular Savings – $5 minimum balance in a Regular Savings account is required for all Altra members; this is your ownership share in the Credit Union. Regular Savings account pays dividends quarterly. Rates subject to change.

Special Savings

No minimum balance required. A Special Savings account can be used as a budgeting tool or to keep some of your savings separated from other funds. You can have multiple Special Savings accounts for different purposes. Dividends are paid quarterly.

Special Savings Account Rates

Rates effective August 1, 2024; subject to change.

Minimum Balance Dividend Rate APY*
None 0.100 0.10

*APY= Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change.

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