Altra’s Routing #: 291881216

Open a Business Account

Thank you for your interest in opening up a Business Checking Account.

Openbusinessaccount 498X332

We will respond to your email within 24 business hours. Please submit the following information so that we can process your account in a timely manner along with the best way to contact you.

Items needed to open a business checking account by type of business.
Types Sole Prop LLC Partnership Corporation Non-Profit Club
Definition/Purpose Legally has no separate existence from its owner Offers limited liability to its owners Partners share profits and losses Legal entity which has separation from its ownership Supports interests without any monetary profit purposes A group that organizes itself as a club. i.e. book club
Documentation (Member Provides these Forms)
• Required
• EIN SS-4
(if not using SSN)
• EIN SS-4 • EIN SS-4 • EIN SS-4 • 501(c)(3) status, or
• EIN SS-4
• EIN SS-4
• At least one   • Articles of Organization
• Operating Agreement
• Partnership Agreement
• Registration of Partnership in LP or LLP
• Articles of Incorporation
• Operating Agreement
• Corporate Resolution
• Articles of Incorporation
• Charter
• Operating Agreement
• Corporate Resolution
• Bylaws
• Meeting Minutes
• Bylaws
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max.file size: 128 MB.
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