Altra’s Routing #: 291881216
In Your Community

Community Involvement

Altra is deeply committed to being active in all the communities that we serve.

Altra invests in the areas we serve, because stronger communities and educated citizens benefit everyone.

Holiday Celebrations

Celebrating holidays with Altra has been a tradition for multiple generations of Altra members. Our staff organizes Easter events with games, candy and door prizes. We dress up and decorate our branch offices for Halloween to hand out treats to members. And in December, Santa himself makes a stop at many of our Altra branch offices to listen to children’s requests and read stories.

Cash In The Community

Cash made his debut as Altra’s mascot in 2013. Since then he has appeared in parades, thrown out the first pitch at baseball games, posed for photos with our youngest members, and even participated in mascot races and contests. Look for Cash in your Altra Community!


Parades are an all-American celebration of community, so where else would Altra employees and family members be except marching with our neighbors? We’re proud to help celebrate all of the special events that make each community unique.

Youth Seminars

Altra staff members can be found volunteering in classrooms for Junior Achievement, working with classroom teachers on special projects, or leading Altra’s own award-winning Cash Camps, Money Smart Camp, Teens and Money, and Financial Aid sessions. We make learning fun with hands-on experiences and games.

Other Activities

Altra is proud to provide support to many of the civic and charitable organizations that make our communities a better place to live. Wherever you go, you’re likely to see an Altra employee volunteering at gold outings, movies in the park, races, barbecues, farmer’s markets, health fairs, and many other community events.

For Goodness Sakes

Every year, Altra staff members donate time and money to buy and wrap holiday gifts for families in need through the For Goodness Sakes and Toys for Tots program. It’s this tremendous spirit of giving that makes us all so proud to be part of the Altra family. Watch the pile of presents grow!

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